Sunday, August 7, 2011

Finally see Mummy update!!

He is now studying at K1, coming October he will be 5 years old.
HE likes Maths & English, but dislike Chinese. Hopefully he will like chinese soon!!
He eats quite well 19kg now. He can eat about the same amount of rice as me. Nobody believe he can that much.

He is 3yr now, but he didn't go to schoolyet cos PCF 277 didn't open class for pre-nursery. No choice he can only go to school next year. A typical playful boy, likes YELLOW. He only plays his yellow lego & car . He play with iphone coloring everything is YELLLOWwwww!!! One thing very funny he likes Barney... Hee Hee
He don't really like to eat homecooked meals, but he don't really have any choices cos we take our meal at home. if we bring him for dinner occasion, he can sit at the table EAT &&& EAT. He is 13kg now.

She is 2 yr now. Looks just like her Daddy, especially her eyes. She is an agressive girl for an example must take 2 sweet, toys got to take 2 toys too.. She behave like a boy likes to play Chugginton,cars with her brother. She likes soft toy Cat, iphone like to play talking tom. She even know which apps is the lastest version. See how clever is she!!! She can answer 我要!我不要! She is 12kg now.

Whenever i drive them out, i can't tolerate them!! Cos they are too noisy, talking all the way!! I just Love Them, they are my precious....

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