Saturday, September 15, 2007

HeY Am I HaNdsOme... HeE hEe

Hee Hee had my ARMANI haircut on TuesDay 9th Sept. I was crying all along Auntie Chili cut for me while she use the hair shaver . Maybe i just don't like the sound of it so i couldn't stop crying. After a while Auntie stopped and i got to stop crying. Ooo what a relieve!!!

Mummy nag at me cos i was crying too much Auntie can't cut properly for me. In the end some of my hair still quite long, so she will trim for me. Hope i will be more obedient for my next haircut loh!!

LeAp FrOg LeArN - aRoUnD pLaYgRoUnD

I simply like this toy so much! A lot of things to learn. There's 2 learning mode one is to learn ABC & Numbers the other is Music lesson. Is fun and keep me occupy while everyone is busy with their work. Thank you Mummy for buying this toy for me cos it cost $149.00.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Monday, September 3, 2007

10 mOnThS 1 wEeK & 3 dAy OlD

TeEtH dEvElOpMeNt : 7 TeEth.

PrOgReSs : CaN sTaNd FoR a FeW mInUtEs WiThOuT sUpPoRt

wAlK QuItE fAsT wItH sUpPoRt.

KnOw HoW tO cLaP HaNd.

FoOd : Hmmm... AnYtHiNg mUmMy wILl GiVe mE aS LoNg NoT SaLty.

BeHaViOuR : qUite NaUgHty.VeRy DeMaNdiNg BoY. U dOn'T gIvE hIm tHe ThInG
He WaNt. He WiLl sTaRt HoPping aNd mAke NoIse.